Research Publication
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Tripathy, P. R., & Panigrahi, B. P. (2015). Study of Direct Torque Controlled 3-phase SCIM with Two and Three-level Inverters using ST-DTC and FR-DTC scheme. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 5(1), 748-752.
Mahala, B. K., Nayak, B. K., & Mohanty, P. K. (2015). Impacts of ENSO and IOD on tropical cyclone activity in the Bay of Bengal. Natural Hazards, 75(2), 1105-1125.
Mishra, G., & Sahu, S. (2016). Modified octahedron shaped antenna with parasitic loading plane having dual band notch characteristics for UWB applications. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 26(5), 426-434.
Mishra, G., & Sahu, S. (2016). Compact circular patch UWB antenna with WLAN band notch characteristics. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58(5), 1068-1073.
Mishra, G., & Sahu, S. (2016). Nature inspired tree shaped antenna with dual band notch for UWB applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58(7), 1658-1661.
Debata, P. K. Plath’s Mirror is an All-seeing Eye.
Mishra, G., & Sahu, S. (2016, April). Compact circular patch antenna for SWB applications. In 2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) (pp. 0727-0730). IEEE.
Rout, S. K., Mukharjee, R. N., Mishra, D. K., Roul, B. K., Sekhar, B. R., & Dalai, M. K. (2017, May). Valence band electronic structure of Ho-doped La0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3 using ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1832, No. 1, p. 090026). AIP Publishing LLC.
Sahoo, S., Das, B. B., & Mustakim, S. (2017). Acid, alkali, and chloride resistance of concrete composed of low-carbonated fly ash. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(3), 04016242.
Sahoo, S., & Mahapatra, T. R. (2018). ANN Modeling to study strength loss of Fly Ash Concrete against Long term Sulphate Attack. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(11), 24595-24604.
Debata, P. K. The Elements of Post Colonialism and Cultural Hybridity in David Malouf’s Remembering Babylon: A Study. Debata, P. K. The Elements of Post Colonialism and Cultural Hybridity in David Malouf’s Remembering Babylon: A Study.
Sahoo, S. (2018, March). Pore Structure Characterization in Concrete Prepared with Carbonated Fly Ash. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 338, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
Tripathy, P. R., & Panigrahi, B. P. (2019). Studies on Direct Torque Control-Based Speed Control of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, 100(3), 259-266.
Mohanty, P. K., Mahala, B. K., & Nayak, B. K. Simulation of VSCS Phailin using WRF model. Department of Applied Science, 19.
Kumar, M., Jena, H., Surekha, B., & Sahoo, S. (2020). Study of Mechanical Property of Cenosphere and Clamshell as Filler Material in Jute Epoxy Composite. In Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 607-615). Springer, Singapore.
Dash, U. A., & Sahu, S. (2020). UWB Dual-Band notched conical dielectric resonator antenna with improved gain. IETE Journal of Research, 66(5), 643-653.
Jaypuria, S., Mahapatra, T. R., Sahoo, S., & Jaypuria, O. (2020). Effect of arc length trim and adaptive pulsed-MIG process parameters on bead profile of stainless steel with synergic power source. Materials Today: Proceedings, 26, 787-795.
Sahoo, S., Mahapatra, T. R., & Jena, H. (2021). Constraints in Journey of Graphene from Laboratory to Life. In Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (pp. 675-685). Springer, Singapore.
Sahoo, S., Priyadarshini, N., Kumar, N., Das, B. S., & Dutta, S. (2021). Simultaneous Optimization of Strength and Acid Resistance in Concrete Composed of Carbonated Fly Ash. In Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (pp. 687-698). Springer, Singapore.
Bhatta, S. K., Mohapatra, S., Sahu, P. C., Swain, S. C., & Panda, S. (2021). Load frequency control of a diverse energy source integrated hybrid power system with a novel hybridized harmony search-random search algorithm designed Fuzzy-3D controller. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-22.