
The Library of KIIT Polytechnic (KIIT) christened as “Kanaka Manjari Memorial Library (KMM Library)” has developed an excellent collection of books, journals and non-book material in science, engineering, technology, humanities and management. It maintains separate collections of Reference Books, Bound volumes of journals, Technical Reports, CDs and DVDs. The library provides service from morning 7 A.M. to night 10 P.M. for all the sections in an automated environment with the corporate edition of KOHA . Apart from lending of books and felicitating the surfing of e-journals/magazine, the library also provides reprographics services to the staff and students like xeroxing, printing and spiral binding.

The total collection of library stands as follows:

Volumes 14503 Magazines 13
Titles 2742 News Papers 07
National Journal 02 CD/DVD 372
E-Journals 57905 Multimedia PC 7
E-Books 235949
Online Subscription of over 2300 e-journals